
Moto E 2020 Micro Sd Card

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Using an SD card on the moto e

Your phone supports a microSD card up to 128 GB. Which type to buy depends on how you're going to format the card:

  • Portable storage (can use card in dissimilar devices): A Class 2, 4 or six bill of fare is sufficient.

  • Internal storage (card used only by telephone): Apply a high-speed card such every bit UHS-1 type for all-time operation. Form ii, iv or 6 cards are slower than your phone'southward internal storage, and so using them for internal storage would slow your phone's performance.

Insert an SD card

Move photos, videos, music to SD card

To free upwards internal storage on your phone:

  1. Be certain yous've inserted and set up your SD bill of fare.
  2. Open up the Files app and touch Make clean.
    Or, go to Settings > Storage > Internal shared storage > Free Upwardly Space.

  3. If in that location are media files to motion, touch the selection to complimentary up space.
  4. Select items to move.
  5. Touch Move to SD card > Move.

Movement apps to SD card

To move apps to your SD carte du jour:

  1. Make sure information technology is formatted equally internal storage.
  2. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications and touch the app to move.
  3. Impact Storage
  4. Impact Modify. If you don't see this option, the programmer does not allow the app to be stored on an SD carte du jour.
  5. Select your SD card, then touch Move

Move apps from SD card to phone

When you install an SD card as internal storage, it is part of your telephone. If you desire modify the SD card to portable storage or remove information technology from the phone to reformat and use in some other device, offset motion the apps from SD card storage to your phone's internal storage:

  1. Get to Settings > Storage
  2. Select your SD card.
  3. Touch Apps and select an app.
  4. Affect Modify > Internal shared storage > Move

Eject SD card

Internal storage

  1. Move apps from the card dorsum to phone internal storage earlier you eject the card. If you remove the carte without moving the apps:
    • You volition lose access to the apps/games on bill of fare and will need to reinstall them.
    • Your apps and phone'south performance will dethrone.
  2. Go to Settings > Storage
  3. Touch the SD card name.
  4. Touch  > Eject
  5. Remove the carte du jour from the phone.

Portable storage

To squirt the card, drag the SD carte du jour notification downward, and affect Squirt

If you don't see the notification:

  1. Go to Settings > Storage
  2. Adjacent to your SD menu name, touch

It's now safe to remove the menu from the phone.

To insert the menu into another device (computer, projector, etc.) that uses different card dimensions, y'all may demand the adapter that came with your card. See device manufacturer's instructions for the blazon of adapter required and insertion instructions.

Erase SD card

  1. Go to Settings > Storage
  2. Select your SD carte du jour.
  3. Touch  > Storage settings > Format
  4. Follow onscreen instructions to format the card.

Format SD carte du jour

You'll need to choose one of two formats for your SD carte:

Use as portable storage if you desire to move the card to other devices to access your media.
Utilise equally internal storage if y'all need more than device storage to install large apps and games and plan to use the card only in your phone.

Portable storage Internal storage
Store media (photos, videos, music) Yes Yes
Shop apps No Yes
Content encrypted No Yes
Read bill of fare in other devices Yes No

To format the inserted card:

  1. Go to Settings > Storage
  2. Touch the SD carte'southward proper noun.
  3. Touch  > Storage settings
  4. Touch Format as internal or Format as portable

If you formatted equally portable storage, be sure to update settings in media apps, like Camera, so they utilise the menu to store content you create or download.

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